The other 10 percent devoted to the most incredible piece of cinema bestowed upon man: you guessed it, Stroker Ace.
The other 10 percent devoted to the most incredible piece of cinema bestowed upon man: you guessed it, Stroker Ace.
The Blue Oyster theme, "La Bimbo" (for real) is my ringtone. Often, I find myself texting people to call me so I can have it go off at work and bring the attention of my co-workers to my inherent awesomeness.
'75 here. According to Mom, I watched Jaws en utero. Still love that fucking movie.
Cmdt. Lassard: Citizens on Patrol?
Nice way to start Police Academy week. But why are we only devoting one week to Police Academy? Certainly there is enough material in this master epic that we can give at least 2-3 weeks of attention/reverence. I mean come on, we give African-Americans 28, sometimes even 29 days, surely Mahoney and company can get…
Definitely. But The Jimi Hendrix on the open mic is perhaps the most beautiful sound these ears have heard. It's like an angel sigh, or your child saying "I love you" for the first time.
Zee Joan Wilder?!?
For Whom the Bell Tolls helps me when I'm angry. But then it reminds me of how awesome Metallica used to be and then I become even angrier. AAAARRRRRGGHHH!!!! HULK SMASH PUNY LARS ULRICH!!!!!!
Angry Chair wil make you, uhhh, angry?
When in doubt, I whip it out. I got me a rock n roll band.
All of the AV Club's choices are null and void, as they do not mention Ace of Spades by Motorhead. LEMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't ask him about Daredevil!
I used to think that a thanatologist measured and interpreted the size of Walt's asshole. Then, I remembered that what a phrenologist does.
Something about "keep on searching for it". I think.
Soylent Green is people!!!!!!!
Meh, beats spending the evening being chased by Guido, the killer pimp.
Naw, Stathaming was the working title, it's being released as-Statham II: The Legend of Statham's Gold
Sammy Davis Junior just looked (with his good eye) over at Ted and said, "Leave me the fuck out of this, baby. I got kissed by Nixon, that's as far-right as this cat goes".
All right, I'm crossing the Delaware. Any man I see out there, I'm gonna shoot him. Any sumbitch takes a shot at me, I'm not only gonna kill him, but I'm gonna kill his wife, all his friends, and burn his damn house down