Otto Parts

We're all out of cornflakes-F.U.


That pic…
Toss on 20 lbs. and dude is a dead-ringer for Dudley Dawson, aka Booger, aka Curtis Armstrong.

I will gladly second (or third, etc.) textsfromlastnight. You can't read that thing for two minutes without finding something to chuckle about.

Doc Brown was badass in Search for Spock. Best Shatner line: I…HAVE HAD…ENOUGH OF…YOU!!! *boot to Doc Brown's face*

So, are all these Lanterns are going to have to band together to stop the Black Lanterns? Or do we have to wait for a White Lantern to show up and put all these "colored" Lanterns in place? Ya see, it's all about keeping Black Power in it's place, make the universe safe for everyone else by eliminating the Black

Kevin Smith IS Mogo!
I'm going to go rearrange all the longboxes in my grandma's basement/bedroom now.

Fuck Phil Collins. If you've ever worked in a grocery store, odds are you have a hatred for Phil Collins in your heart that if transferred into electricity, could power Las Vegas for a year. I would not hesitate to slap that ugly bastard across his face if I ever met him in person. No autograph, no "Hey! You're

@Johnny the Boy

Lest we forget the pheremonal power of Sex Panther. You know, studies show that 60 % of the time…you get the point.

How the hell do you confuse Woody Allen with Bob Dole?

What? No love for 1941? "Wild Bill" Kelso should have a beer and kick you all in the nuts.

But these amps go to 11, which is 1 more than 10.

It's time for another round of Jew or Not a Jew! William Shatner=Jew, Mel Gibson=not a Jew!