
Holy crap I knew that was in the back of my mind somewhere!

Remus keeps the soap firmly gripped in Remus's hands when Remus showers

Eddie Cantor needs a spinoff. BROADWAY Empire!

We are never ever everrrrr selling dope together!

Dunn's still a blunt instrument though. Easily bought, easily wielded but no great thought beyond the next violent swing. Dunn cannot conceive of the larger game.

Yeah I was a bit confused by the reviewer reading into that a bit much.

Yeah thought that was pretty clear. He was getting her through the various stages of cold turkey which is why it was hard for her to drink any water.

Well it was supposed to be for the kid and if she simply wished Nucky forgotten she could have easily binned it. Why didn't she? Somehow, somewhere in that complex heart of hers, she doesn't want to get rid of the thing that reminds her that Nucky has love buried beneath the greed. She can't bare to destroy evidence…

Sealab 2021?

Omar: Hello. My name is Mr. Barksdale. I Believe you have a re-up for me.

Thank you for your feedback.

After reading a similar review on IGN, pardon me if I copy-paste my thoughts here. C'Mon there's only so many hours in a day!

Woah. With the flute as backing music I was pissing myself laughing reading it.

I think its just karma for Kevin Costner in Robin Hood. If that's the case prepare for a whole lot more of us limeys before balance is restored.