
Definitive vampire movie. I love Herzog's version too, and Shadow of the Vampire, but this stands on it's own. It is magic.

Really? That Cupid episode was one of the worst South Park episodes ever. And the stuffed animals one was interesting in terms of plot, but there was almost nothing funny about it. Cartman is to South Park what Homer is to the Simpsons - the best character early on, by far the worst now.

A lot of people seemed to enjoy this episode but I thought it was the same as the rest of this season and last - really, really poor, sub-Simpsons stuff even (and I don't say that lightly, the Simpsons has been one of my least favourite shows since about the 11th season). Maybe I'm bitter towards the show for having

Hmmm. Did you go into the future, catch me watching next week's episode and write this comment to dissuade me from reneging on my promise? Because I didn't say I was going to stop watching last week. I said it after watching this episode.

I don't want a recap. Nor do I want a reviewer that criticizes comedy shows for minor plot contrivances when the show itself is well written, acted and thoroughly enjoyable. Don't sweat the small stuff, and don't try to analyze comedy shows like they're standing toe to toe with The Wire and The Shield. There's such a

Terrible episode, again. Finn and the probation worker? Beyond stupid, insultingly shit writing. The only decent part was the framing of the monster, who was built up for the entire episode and then on screen for all of…what, 2 minutes? This show is really poor now. I'm just watching it for closure, and I'm beginning

AV Club reviewer focuses on superficial, unimportant aspect of comedy episode rather than jokes, number 45,623.

Krusty looks like my grandad in this episode. Bonus points.