Ultra Laser


You Just Got Screeched!
"According to Diamond, they'd write stage directions where Screech and Mr. Belding gaze into each other's eyes and soulfully embrace. If Diamond is being truthful—I assume everything he says is at the very least a big exaggeration—then that is officially the most awesome shit ever. Rock on,


Swag me the FUCK out

Goddamn rappers…
Is Adam Yauch in film school? I wish my celebrity friends would show up in my senior thesis film, too.

Nah, it was the handjob.
And you know what else? It was worth it.

The Hackers soundtrack is brilliant and the movie is fucking fantastic.

Johnny Lee Miller
Correction, Todd. That would be Johnny Lee Miller of the underappreciated film Hackers.

i don't know, but kenny's half-brother was the cab driver at the end of the episode. crossover!

Deb keeps reminding me of Millie from Freaks and Geeks.

You get in that ass Larry!
You spray paint, "Larry was here!"

Alter Ego
Best song on the record. Helluva jam.

The Hotness
Tortured Pam looked really hot. So did goth Sookie and Merlotte's hostess Jessica.

Master Hurley Has Found True Love
When the alterna-beach date scene cuts to Desmond in the car, lurking (kinda like my profile pic), I was really hoping he was going to shed a tear and then burst into flames. Like the robot characters in that episode of The Simpsons that takes place in the future when Lisa falls in

agreed. confide owns this post. crab core points to the a.v. club.

Je, Tu, Il, Elle
was one of the most self-absorbed, long-winded,pretentious bores i can remember seeing in the last couple years. a truly grating experience.

french stewart
i don't mean to step on my dick or nothin', but, what happened to that asian cop who was naggin deb over quinn last season?

Higgins climbing the tree at the very end as a background gag was fucking hilarious.

jim boonie, this question is for you.
when does the tim and eric 5th season premiere start up?

Lil Weezer
Some pretty raditude news!