Hey its Michael Raymond-James! I like Michael Raymond-James! And he's playing a character with some personality! Finally, a character on The Walking Dead with personality!
Hey its Michael Raymond-James! I like Michael Raymond-James! And he's playing a character with some personality! Finally, a character on The Walking Dead with personality!
It's gotten to the point where there are just too many characters on this show that I absolutely hate. First, I just found them boring or stupid, but no, now it's legitimate hate.
I still really enjoy it, but I can see your complaints.
If you are guys are talking about the same argument I remember, the argument was whether Mitt Romney's gaffe about not caring for the poor simply displayed a rhetorical disconnect (Dickerson's point) or whether it displayed real, personal hatred, or at least apathy, for the poor (Bazelon's point).
Per Nathan's review of the WTF Stoller interview:
I never saw it but that's the impression I got from the previews and that impression was confirmed listening to Sepinwall talk about it.
Ha, touche.
Well that's fair enough, but wouldn't that be more of an attack on the show's marketing, not the show itself?
I think it's about to crash.
So because of the Occupy Movement, we must now find any show that depicts the rich to be disgusting? Then how you do explain Mad Men?
Of course Arab = Muslim, it was a joke.
See my point in the other post.
This is one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't scenarios.
I think we are supposed to believe that Walker retrieved the chip and handed it off to Nazir before his meeting with Brody, thus setting up a huge piece of leverage that Nazir will have over Brody next season in case he gets cold feet again.
"Finally, this show is just more interesting if it continues to be about Carrie and Saul vs. Brody. If Brody had died, season two would have had to come up with some newer, bigger terrorist threat, just to top what season one did."
Thank you Todd!
I didn't hate this as much as everyone else did, but I almost give the writers credit for being so slavishly, ridiculously sticking with the status quo that it almost reverses the other direction and becomes brazen.
I've realized with Always Sunny that the opinions of fans vary wildly on it. Everyone has different seasons that they love and hate and episodes that they love and hate. With each new episode, you can inevitably find people that think it's terrible and start the doom-and-gloom about the downfall of the series and…
I sorta blame Maron for this. Maron's basic formula usually works: start asking about the parents and the childhood and work chronologically.
Two Simmons arguments I found so ridiculous I wanted to scream at work listening to it:
I liked it okay because the other two guests were willing to call Simmons out when he was being ridiculous. That's a key to any BS Report - it's at his best when his guests will actually argue with him and call him out (that's why the Klosterman interviews are the best) and it's at its worst when they are either too…