
This is what I don't understand. What's the point in calling a Jewish person by their birth name when attacking them?

Still with the "new generation" crap, Ivan?
Really? It was an awful idea when you came up with it, it's still an awful idea. You saw the new Indiana Jones, right? The American people are perfectly capable of watching a movie with actors over the age of fifty without having to put in a bunch of young people to crack

Well, I understand why people might think like that, but I think it's a myth. The idea that Fox News has shouted its way into influence is a myth.

BTW, I realize this is really fucking long. Sorry about that. I don't begrudge anyone that gets even a couple paragraphs in and stops.

Everyone Wants Their Fox News
Political discourse in this country is almost dead. I'm a moderate liberal who hates Fox News, but I've quickly become more and more disillusioned with the left, who seem more and more like Fox News watchers by the day.

I think the confusion people have is that the terms "far-left" and "far-right" are rarely ever used in their proper context and have seemingly come to mean, "staunchly for the talking points of my political party" when referring to oneself or one's friends and "crazy" when referred to one's "enemies".

I remember reading that after The Godfather Part III debacle, Francis Ford Coppola claimed that critics were using his daughter to get to him. Meaning that no one really liked The Godfather Part III, but Francis had built up such an extraordinary amount of goodwill after the first two Godfathers that no one was

It's impossible to side with Scientology because Tommy Davis's defenses of Scientology make absolutely no sense to anyone with half a brain.

This Sounds Just Awful
On one hand, at least he will have an actual reason to just have two people shout ridiculously simplistic, groan-inducing talking points at one another (the Studio 60 episode where Matt Perry and Sarah Paulson spend the entire time spitting gay marriage talking points at one another for no

Lobsters, I imagine tanks are a pretty good weapon against a force whose entirely strategy is to walk slowly towards you.

I Don't Trust Darabont
And that's what is really making me worried about the show. I thought he was the show's biggest liability before he fired the rest of the staff and obviously I'm even more worried now.

Genuine Sentimentality
As David said, with the keys at the end.

Comments Buzz!!
Over 370 comments. I'm too lazy to look it up, but isn't that like much, much higher than normal? A few weeks ago, it seemed like only handful of people were commenting on the show at all.

Yeah, I'm definitely going to do the same thing when the DVDs come out. I normally refuse to buy TV seasons one at time when I know I can just rent the DVDs and wait for the seemingly always cooler, more comprehensive, and more compact Complete Series sets, but for Terriers I'll make an exception.

The Stahl-Jax Deal, I'm Confused as Hell
Am I the only one? Can someone explain it to me?

Shut Up Liberal Media, You Aren't Helping
At all. You know why Sarah Palin is so fully in the public spotlight? You know why she won't go away? Because of you guys.

Hank deserved…
every word of that speech Gretchen gave to him. And I love Hank, I think he's one of the most likable characters on TV. And I think that's a testament to just how well these characters are written.

Yep, they are once again pushing dangerously close to the incest angle, which would doom the show.

Maybe I'm just reading this wrong….

Really, do we need to cover Monday Night Football?