Jacks Inflamed Appendix

Great, turn the evil, money-hungry capitalist bent on world domination into a Jew. Thanks a lot, self-hating hollywood.

Every time I see an ad for this show, all I can think about is Frank Wrench

Wow that story is just unbelievable. A guy with a google glass who has a wife????

You don't know me, man!


So my apologies if someone has already pointed this out, but Superman actually DID kill Zod in the comic books (as well as his sidekicks) back in the 80s a couple years after the Crisis when John Byrne was writing him.

One day I'll eat pancakes on their graves

I just hope Huell's ok

Isnt she a bit old to play her too?

Old Yeller

Takashi Miike
is kind of a director you really cant watch more than once or twice. I have mixed feelings on him. Iichi totally belongs on this list: incredible movie, but I dont think I was able to have an erection for at least 3 weeks after viewing it. I though Visitor Q was awful though - just sick shit for the

But it IS a cool name

How bout they get Q and Not U back together?

Fucked Up
Got ambushed
Zipped in

Less than 9 years is less than more than 10
They went on hiatus at the end of 2002. Hell I saw them at Fort Reno in 2002. That's not a decade. Just saying.

As bootylicious as the rhymes you were kicking
Hate the (ice) T, but love the A (on coco)

Olivia Munn is so bad she's ruined attractive women for me.

Dirty Anal Cum Sluts 12
Really was there any need for this one? I think they'd brought things to a pretty satisfactory conclusion in the eleventh feature.

Canon = Dumb
I think this is a great thing to bring up in light of all the stupid arguments over the canon of fictionalized universes that infest the internet. Not that I dont do it myself at times, but it is absurd when you think of it to argue over what imaginary events did or did not not happen. Really it's