Super weird, I actually had a friend named Jon who was also really into magic! You're not in Calgary by any chance?
Super weird, I actually had a friend named Jon who was also really into magic! You're not in Calgary by any chance?
There's always Penn and Teller for you!
As a piano-playing Chinese guy with a Ben Folds obsession and interest in sleight of hand, I am getting a creepy feeling that Kevin Pang is actually me. Our timelines are just slightly different though (J.B. Bobo was my first magic book, which I got in high school). I specialized in coins because I never enjoyed card…
Edge Of That Building
I'm always blown away by Hynden Walch's incredibly nuanced portrayal of Princess Bubblegum. What really hooked me was her sleep-deprived PB in the Goliad episode.
This article must've been written by that demon cat that has approximate knowledge of many things.
The maize is not for you.
Nobody who's listened to Harmon's podcast would possibly say that!
Wow, just when you thought Rick couldn't be any more of a Dan Harmon Mary Sue…
I am computer!
Stop all the downloadin'!
It's been awhile!
Yeah, but imagine if they didn't eat at Cracker Barrel!
More of a thumb tack man myself.
Frank Black had things to say about Cracker Barrel in an old AV Club interview:
In season 2 he has a proclivity for calling everyone "bitch".
You mean Discount Ellen Page?
BMO has a weird empathy with Finn since he too knows a thing or two about offing a brother.
Yeah, Dany, you might wanna wipe down that table with Lysol before touching it.
Han: I like this thing!