Car Analogy

Are they French? I like the way that they think…


I don't remember that detail, but was that in one of the later books where the description isn't even as apt any more?

Wizard and Glass and the original (non-retconned) Gunslinger are neck-and-neck in my books. Then again, maybe that's because I just never really cottoned to Eddie and Susannah.

As we discussed elsewhere, the tone in even the first three books is anything but consistent! And that's not even getting into the aforementioned uneven quality of the books… I don't think the series should be revered as if it were King's grand opus by any means.

It always amazed me that Stephen King was such a fan of Harry Potter. Granted, she could write a decent plot (better than King, I might even argue), but I'd charitably describe the quality of writing in those books as "workmanlike" at best.

Ugh, you had to remind me. Calling it Middle Eart- I mean Mid-World should have been enough of a clue.

I'm unimpressed by the lack of sonic electronic ball breakers and sharp sticks.

I just read the entry. George Lucas-style retcon indeed! What a travesty.

What did they change in the revised version of the Gunslinger? I only know the original version.

I think the biggest sin in my eyes is the absence of all the things I liked from the first book (which is my favourite one):

Just mention it when you bring up the time you banged Eartha Kitt in the airplane lavatory.

The man in black fled across the desert… and the gunslinger didn't give a shit any more for some reason.

Actually, I'm pretty sure Stephen King himself described the Dark Tower as his take on LOTR.

The thing that really stuck out for me listening to this recreation is just how idiosyncratic Ringo's drum parts are. Truly unique.

This was really great. A beautiful blending of two great things. Like chocolate and peanut butter.

"He's Leaving Home" may very well be my favourite track, and that's saying something because I loved them all.

This was very clearly done by someone who loves both Star Wars and the Beatles. It certainly pays dividends if Sergeant Peppers is imprinted in your soul from repeated listenings.

Who's The Boss?

wtf is Starz lol