Car Analogy

In the swan, of course!

Sequels uhhh… find a way.

Weren't they uneven bars? Unless she had unusually powerful upper body strength for a little girl.

Waiting for someone to come around and lecture at length about the exact flavour of Unix in the movie and snort derisively at the GUI.

Also, to be fair, it's only been in the last 20-30 years or so that lusting after teenagers became commonly considered to be really icky.

So he DID know what he meant!

There's a dichotomy between slime and candy too. Slime is repulsive (though you'd never know it from everyone's non-reactions to it) and slippery while candy is delightful and sticky.

Un-nuanced, greedy and orange. And Ferengi have pretty tiny grabbers too!

I imagine if a writer dropped Donald Trump's character sheet on a producer's desk he'd be laughed out of the business for writing such a preposterous, cartoony character.

I assume feeding cows the brains of Skittle-fed cows would spread hyperactive cow disease.

They don't slaughter the candy properly in America?

Hey, you know you could get fired for making that joke!

It'd be like another Tylenol scandal!

Think those cows all came down with diabeefus?

I've been waiting for Carl's Jr. to start selling their new Rainbow Angus Thickburger!

Betty's mom better mention something when school lets out for summer.

When Jake someone eat it

Wait, where is this immortality assumption for Jake coming from?

You might even say this site is one way to… watch cartoon online

I wonder if they wrote this with Clay Croker in mind, but he died before they could get him to voice the mantis. :(