They palaver for a bit, then Darth Maul flees across the desert and the Jedi follows.
They palaver for a bit, then Darth Maul flees across the desert and the Jedi follows.
Flail Windu
No cross-hatched hair on the side of his head, no sale!
No disassemble!!
Wow, that music really sucked.
Between this and the placenta, I'd say Ed was getting lyrics out of a human anatomy textbook.
Lycos 4 lyfe
So soulful. So gross.
PALE blue-colored eyes!!!!!
"Just as the entertainers at Disney needed a hoop high atop the Matterhorn to pass the time between shows, so too must Westworld’s various technicians, computer scientists, evil business people, and gore engineers need an off-the-beaten-path spot for a game of H-O-R-S-E now and then."
Ford: I really like the vest!
That was the oddest bush I'd ever seen on premium cable.
We're witnessing Zack's own bicameral struggle for pop consciousness!
Maybe if you got hit on the head as often as William, you'd start looking like Ed Harris too after awhile.
That's Numberwang!
Oh weird then!
This is one of my biggest beefs with this show. The writers don't seem to have any idea how to handle drama, and it's the acting (from the greats) that carries it.
I appreciate the show because it's a neat (and fair) mystery.
Ed Harris has now suffered three concussions in as many episodes.
In the stinger, it turns out Bernard's maze is an Infinity Gem.