fool on the hill

You were doing more than sitting. Thanks for the helping hand!

I discovered masturbation because of this movie. Thanks Heather Graham!

I believe that was him trying to do an RP (or Cockney) accent and sounding instead like Elmer Fudd.

Timothy Dalton. He's probably a bit too old though.

This episode marks the return of "churlish" which I'm beginning to suspect is Keegan-Michael Key's favorite word.

But would you watch Modern Family?

Wait, who's left from the core group now? Jeff, Abed, Annie and Britta? Jesus..

That's Just like your opinion, man.

I posted this somewhere else but I don't think anybody saw it, so I'll post it here.

Sorry, if this is a very late reply but reading your comment, I know I had to share this. http://goo.gl/x8gzQa

True Detectives.

I actually like the bloop bleeps. Provided it's done tastefully of course. Like in "Let Down"

Also, his eyes at the end of Downton Abbey's season 3.

So, Korean then?

Oh, thank you!

Interesting, regarding the directors and their original backgrounds. The film did look like a theater production at times. Well, thanks for that bit of info. It redeems the film quite a bit.

I saw Calvary with a friend last night. It was probably his first indie film, so I was expecting him to be bored out of his mind and fall asleep during the film. To my surprise, he ended up loving the film (he gave it a straight five out of five), while I liked it a little bit less. It was a very good film though. It

That was really well done. Bravo.

Personally, I would've gone with Loki: Brothor.