I prefer the live shows. Having an audience to play off of bring out more energy in them. The regular versions seem a bit too dry.
Oh my God…Nathan Rabin has disbanded!
Is that a close cousin to the Kwyjibo?
He was in the M&Ms skit.
Between that NB commercial and this article, satirists pretty much have my number.
They played the aftermath. It was the last thing aired before the end of the show. It was glorious.
It inspired me to read Rodney Dangerfield's book. The tone was a fair sight happier than I had initially believed it to be, which made me glad. A couple of friends read it as well. We came to appreciate him more as a result. Thanks Nathan!
I only order through organic vapor signals.
Is he going to enter a "Pan's Labyrinth" scenario?
It's not the Rabinocalypse that we need, but it is the Rabinocalypse that we deserve.
They drew first blood, @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus.
Donuts are plentiful and there is no T.G.I.F. night on ABC.
Now now, some of us would pay very good money for such a recording. I have certain…tastes.
I remember getting a little choked up watching the finale for The Wonder Years.
And so much light!
As in their baby teeth?
Heh, fair enough. I was not taking the entirety of the curse into account.
But McGinley was good!