The Otter White Meat

I've attempted 'The Silmarillion' three times now. Three times I have been thrown back. It's like reading a history book where every one/place/thing has five different names. It's not even that long!

How close to the mark is this?

To be fair, bacon cheeseburgers are delicious.

My Holy Trinity of Non-Ironic Public Programming Personalities is Fred Rogers, Bob Ross, and Huell Howser (he might only be known in California). There's just something in how earnest and straight forward they all were.

The show remains perfectly cromulent up through the end of season 10. It's not a popular opinion, but there's still gold in them hills. Season 11, though, they unleashed the Balrog and all was turned to ash and woe.

If after watching 'War of the Simpson' you don't go out and immediately watch The Old Man and the Sea, there is something wrong with you.

Ooo, a Reptar shirt.

Mein gott in himmel, Wikipedia backs you up on this! Since 2006. Perry's been bogarting all the Caplan since November 2006. He was 37, she was 24.

They did a second installment on Liefeld. Every bit as glorious (perhaps even better!) than the first. I anxiously wait for a third.

Nonsense, I've been mowing my lawn with A Fish Called Wanda for months now.

Duly noted.

Thanks to K. Thrace (whom I can't figure out how to link properly), I picked up a case of Dogfish Head Midas Touch. For 9.0% ABV, it goes down very smooth and you barely even taste the alcohol. Not a very beer-y tasting beer (it's somewhere in the elusive Beer-Wine-Mead Triangle), but it's enjoyable all the same. I

The Otter White Meatloaf

That doesn't sound like masturbation at all!

I never thought I'd do this, but…

It is that good, though I think you have to start from the beginning to get the proper feel for it. Not that the recent seasons are much like seasons 1 and 2, but seeing the evolution of Roger (and his personas), the show's willingness to mess with story structure, and the genuinely pleasing turns at small moments and

That listing is depressing for a whole slew of reasons. Bless anyone who would want to live that way.

Or knife-raping any retarded nuns.


Dogfish is one of those ones I always see but never end up buying. Time to remedy that. Anything of theirs you would strongly recommend?