"Hack the bone! HACK THE BONE!"
"Hack the bone! HACK THE BONE!"
"Can I have the keys to the car, lover? I feel like changing wigs."
"Can I have the keys to the car, lover? I feel like changing wigs."
This person is correct.
This person is correct.
And now for a list of "Technical Difficulties"!
And now for a list of "Technical Difficulties"!
I will go to bat for one part of "Behind the Laughter": the boss-coming-to-dinner bit. It's so delightfully hacky.
I will go to bat for one part of "Behind the Laughter": the boss-coming-to-dinner bit. It's so delightfully hacky.
I cannot drive past a school without thinking "Class after class of ugly, ugly children!" Just the amount of disgust he puts into that second ugly makes it perfect.
I cannot drive past a school without thinking "Class after class of ugly, ugly children!" Just the amount of disgust he puts into that second ugly makes it perfect.
That's one of those lines that probably didn't do much for me when I initially heard it, but after letting it marinate lo these many years I have come to treasure it dearly.
That's one of those lines that probably didn't do much for me when I initially heard it, but after letting it marinate lo these many years I have come to treasure it dearly.
It wasn't my quit episode, but the point where I really realized I wasn't watching the same show I grew up with was S13E09, "Jaws Wired Shut". More specifically, during the 'Soccer Mummy' movie trailer. Why…why did writers decide an erection joke needed to be introduced to the Simpsons?
It wasn't my quit episode, but the point where I really realized I wasn't watching the same show I grew up with was S13E09, "Jaws Wired Shut". More specifically, during the 'Soccer Mummy' movie trailer. Why…why did writers decide an erection joke needed to be introduced to the Simpsons?
You could open a steakhouse and call it "O'Keefe's Steakhouse".
You could open a steakhouse and call it "O'Keefe's Steakhouse".
Cousin Oliver played drums in a band I did sound for once. Nice guy.
Cousin Oliver played drums in a band I did sound for once. Nice guy.
From now on, I will only follow what the gophers follow.