The Otter White Meat

And yet her vocals were still lost in the mix. That takes a special sort of incompetence to allow all of that to happen at once.

@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus Telling a musician that they should be better when they're paying money to be in a studio rarely goes over well.

I've always been fond of "I Come From the Water".

Did anyone ever scour around MP3.com way back when? I came across a few bands that I liked, but it was mostly a lot of iffy studio recordings by bands that probably broke up long ago. That's the first time I can recall just clicking around to check out random bands. After that was probably MySpace.

But that's not quite the same as discovering music. You still had to hear about those acts through more familiar media outlets; YouTube just let you see what all the fuss was about.

Good Christ, Buffalo Bill is real.

"You people are nothing but a bunch of fickle mushheads!"

I think Rabin buried the lead here. Tom Hanks has a rapping son?

Amen. I picked up the vinyl for 'The Bees Made Honey' a few months ago. Sweet Lord, that thing is a thing of beauty.

I just want the backstory on Judy's white hair. Superbleach? Frightened beyond belief? Selective albinoism? The public deserves to know.

Leto II - The latest episode of 'We Hate Movies' (http://www.whmpodcast.com/) might be right up your alley. After living with the Plinkett reviews for awhile, it was interesting to hear a new take on the prequels. Granted, it's ANOTHER podcast you can't listen to at work.

Hell, you could superimpose yard lines on the opening shot from 'Satantango' where the cows are wandering around. Beef - it's what's for dinner.

Good idea. I've been wanting to listen to 'Gospel Plow' for a couple of days.

Damn it, the one Lanegan album I pre-order and it sounds like it'll be even more overproduced than Bubblegum.

We must not be having the same dead hooker experiences.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the Helena Bonham Carters?!

I swear I'm not crazy.

Either my monitor is weird, or yours is.

Irons and Folds Fascists