
What is, Rowan? What is..? *Cries a single tear*

What is, Rowan? What is..? *Cries a single tear*

Watching for the first time and just got the series so catching up. But OMG if there was no-one to tell me it would get better 'Born to the Purple' would be the end me and B5. It's not only an utterly predictable and risible plot, it's just badly put together on a fundamental level. Editing, acting, camera work is all

Watching for the first time and just got the series so catching up. But OMG if there was no-one to tell me it would get better 'Born to the Purple' would be the end me and B5. It's not only an utterly predictable and risible plot, it's just badly put together on a fundamental level. Editing, acting, camera work is all

No above someone said most people didn't like him, and I was just commenting that he's quite popular and therefore you can determine lots of people do like him. Sorry, maybe I used hence wrong…

No above someone said most people didn't like him, and I was just commenting that he's quite popular and therefore you can determine lots of people do like him. Sorry, maybe I used hence wrong…

In the UK he presented radio show and numerous TV shows, done a few Stand-up shows, released a great Autobiography (two volumes in fact- both hilairous), and loads of Heroin.

In the UK he presented radio show and numerous TV shows, done a few Stand-up shows, released a great Autobiography (two volumes in fact- both hilairous), and loads of Heroin.

No Catherine Tate is hideous. You guys can have her.

No Catherine Tate is hideous. You guys can have her.

UK here, lots of people like him imo, hence his popularity. He got slated a bit having sex with an elderly actors granddaughter (age 25) then calling him up on his radio show, beforehand telling his co-presenter not to shout it out, which his co-presenter then did. But that soon died down. I find him a rather funny

UK here, lots of people like him imo, hence his popularity. He got slated a bit having sex with an elderly actors granddaughter (age 25) then calling him up on his radio show, beforehand telling his co-presenter not to shout it out, which his co-presenter then did. But that soon died down. I find him a rather funny

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus But it's not Federation space. It's poor Barjoran space. The same Bajorans who use a battered mining station as their (only?) offworld presence. I think if they could afford to to build such a behemoth, they would.

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus But it's not Federation space. It's poor Barjoran space. The same Bajorans who use a battered mining station as their (only?) offworld presence. I think if they could afford to to build such a behemoth, they would.

I always thought Archer-Trip-T'Pol was an attempt at recreating this.

I always thought Archer-Trip-T'Pol was an attempt at recreating this.

Recently went through Voyager since watching it spottily on TV and I gotta say, my god it's worse than I remembered. It's basically TNG 2 with crap characters (apart from 2), cap villans (apart from a couple) and a pathetic attempt of an overrall arc which constantly condradicts itself and makes no sense.

Recently went through Voyager since watching it spottily on TV and I gotta say, my god it's worse than I remembered. It's basically TNG 2 with crap characters (apart from 2), cap villans (apart from a couple) and a pathetic attempt of an overrall arc which constantly condradicts itself and makes no sense.

