Michael Rowland

I guess I'll be the hardcore fan they mentioned in this interview.
I love these guys. I love most everything they've ever done aside from a few episodes of season Cinco.

Steve Buscemi directed this episode. Make of that what you will.

This episode was freaking terrible. The first half felt like total filler and the back half was even worse. Zooey can not perform comedy live. You could see her eyes were completely transfixed on the cue cards and she sounded like an amateur. Hader was great, though.

This episode was freaking terrible. The frst half felt like total filler and the back half was even worse. Zooey can not perform comedy live. You could see her ees completely transfixed on the cue cards and she sounded like an amateur. Hader was great, though.

The Schmidt plot had some good laughs but I felt like it just kind of… ended. I wasn't satisfied with the only resolution to that story being that Schmidt hooked up with someone.