
I have a soft spot for The Sopranos. People can make all the arguments they want about which of the many great series is "better," but The Sopranos had me hooked in the very first scene of the very first episode and never let me go. I hooted with delight at the final black-out.

I loved Glenn Close's season.

Walt: Ricin beans. Jesse: Rice 'n' beans? I've always wondered if everyone else got that.

I got the impression from Vince Gilligan (in one of the podcasts) that he didn't even think of that song until that point. That's even more awesome.

I am so sick of shows (and books) about serial killers of women and girls. Is it all about titillating the (male segment of the) audience?

It's actually the hoariest image in the history of every show in which a child is believed to be in danger.

I like that you use "infer" correctly.

Ah… so they were lovers 3 years before? How did I miss that?

"Ex-lover"? Didn't they just have one night together? But doubtless that would be held against her at trial… that, plus her being a hysterical WOMAN.

Someone commented earlier that Linden believes anything a perp tells her. She believes Skinner when he says Adrian is in the trunk, then she believes that he killed him. Why so gullible? We know her childhood was traumatic, but she's a seemingly able detective. I do not enjoy her histrionics alternating with zombie

Was there independent evidence that Skinner was the killer? If not, the whole 4th season would have to be about Linden trying (probably poorly) to defend herself.

But how did the sprinkler, ice cream truck, and kid riding a bike actually add up to anything? She must have figured it out by something Skinner said, but I don't remember what that was.

That ride was so boring!

How did Dexter impale the guy under the bed? did the trident go through the mattress and box springs? And why were all those houses empty? And did they replace the bed and mop up the blood, or did they just leave everything?

I thought it was interesting that Bald Prison Guard was so helpful and almost tender toward Peter S when he was having that panic attack. Suddenly they're humanizing him? To what end?

I've never understood why Linden believes he's innocent.

I'd watch a spin-off in which Holder and Linden were homicide cops together… anywhere but in Seattle.

Galuzzo's name was Ron, not Brian. Also, Deb did not die, therefore there was no "demise." Furthermore, Vogel doesn't love Dexter!!

@cub you are so erudite!

@wacoshade thank you