

Una bede et'hash zebe be dant bentok

If I EVER catch you girls flushing a tampon… By jeezum crow, so help me! What, you think we're made out of money to give to plumbers?

Most subversive comment I've read all night, and that's saying a lot on the AV forums. You, sir, have just won the internet.

Yes, but just imagine if the general public had heard "The Cheesecake Song" before permanently attaching King Missile to Detachable Penis.

"Whacha got there? Some tampons? I reckon I can help you carry 'em, iffin my knees don't give out. hmmmm" - excerpt from Carl Childer's audition tape.

Why is it soaked in a mysterious blue liquid?

Hola Amigo… Thanks for the belly laugh, but I don't think many kids here have ever seen the print edition of the Onion.

Yeah, I guess you learned that there is a whole segment of the country (albeit a minority) that doesn't think like you. Sorry to hear that the war overseas has touched your family personally, but get the fuck off of my lawn.

Almost gave up about three episodes in… Then season 2 picked up steam and reminded me why I liked it in the first place.

Swengin… COCKSUKA!!!

Ian McShane was in Hot Rod… FUCKING HOT ROD!!! And you're raking him over the coals for being in Ray Donovan? pssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Too tired to look at all 562 comments, so I'm just going to nominate "Pregnant" (S2 E1) as the best episode of Louie. The one with Doug Stanhope as the suicidal friend is a close second, but Yul Vasquez's turn as the gay neighbor across the hall puts Pregnant over the top.

Both good episodes, but "the Wizard's Baker" takes it for me.

Testes, one, two. Testes…

:: to be read in Norm McDonald voice :: If by Jane Curtain, you mean crack whore! eh? eh?

Is it odd that my favorite Patton album is actually his audiobook? Those old Hobo Songs is just pure genius, and even on repeated listens, I'm always engrossed by the story of the movie theater manager with the ninja weapons stash.

Right?! Everyone knows it's Patrick Oswoldt

Apologies to Sprinkles McRainbowcakes, who already dropped the FIFA reference two hours ago. Man, I gotta start reading all the way to the end before making obvious references.

Thank you Pairesta. Now, every time I see that droid, I'm going to picture poor ol' Kenny Baker being tumbled around inside the spinner unit like a cat that's been trapped in the dryer. Man, I've got a permagrin right now just thinking of it.