Don't forget the "surprise twist" that seems to come 2/3 of the way through every space-marine shooter; The "mutated" enemy that starts pouring in through every door, window, and air vent in sight. Oo, didn't see those guys coming.
Don't forget the "surprise twist" that seems to come 2/3 of the way through every space-marine shooter; The "mutated" enemy that starts pouring in through every door, window, and air vent in sight. Oo, didn't see those guys coming.
I work for ABC… Don't try pinning this shit on us. It's the peacock network you're thinking of.
I haven't…..enjoyed action films for about the last 20 years now; But this looks fucking amazing!
Clueless Neophyte…
One thing that gets tiresome…
… is trying to explain to younger music types just how relevant Perry Farrell was in his youth. People who know him only in his current drug addled form, replete with awful solo projects, have no idea.
My favorite drink…
is bong hits. With lime and salt of course.
He brought back the bottom half of that ass… He wiped that shit up!
I watched the Breakfast club so many times when I was 16 that I could recite every single line of dialog - Rocky Horror style.
The kind of place where they sweep up the eyeballs at closing time
I'll second Tribute. Great film! You guys saw Dig! in my original question; pretty much any well done rockumentary has the quicksand effect on me. Loud-quiet-loud (Pixies), the Fearless Freaks, Woodstock - the movie. The Anvil doc was great.
The whole episode was pretty 'meh' for me… Up until the moment when Monarch consummated his botched ransom exchange by kicking Doc Venture in the nads and running off with the money. *That* was friggin hilarious.
Slasher movies suck balls!!
Has there ever been a scary one? I've always been more scared of ghost movies. Anyone remember the Changling, with George C Scott?
Prole Hole…
Where indeed?!
This is awesome fucking news… but a second season storyline could certainly prove problematic.