It's an asbestos company run by kids. That's the hook. All asbestos, all kids, all the time.
It's an asbestos company run by kids. That's the hook. All asbestos, all kids, all the time.
Yeah jeez, it's almost like he's the leader of the free world and she's the first lady.
I've been hoping for "Spartacus" to break with history in a major way and have the slaves come out on top, but that's looking pretty unlikely.
This song is awful because the hook is so good. Some hitmaker wrote the Black Eyed Peas one of the best hooks of the year, and then they spent the rest of the song shitting on it. All the joy of this song ends as soon as the first verse starts. "Tonight's the night. Let's live it up" Bluh
I remember enjoying the hell out of the MTV version of "Loveline" as a teen. The online archives of the radio show really prove they had lightning in a bottle back then, but I've never seen so much as a shred of the TV show online.
Need some new write-ups up in here
Need some new write-ups up in here
I've been wondering when this show was gonna get covered again. Yeah, do the Breaking Bad one when it comes around.
I've been wondering when this show was gonna get covered again. Yeah, do the Breaking Bad one when it comes around.
That was the best joke they've had all season. I was surprised the reviewer didn't note it.
That was the best joke they've had all season. I was surprised the reviewer didn't note it.
Maurice LaMarche, who also does Kif, Morbo and Lrrr:…
Maurice LaMarche, who also does Kif, Morbo and Lrrr:…
Futurama's been going pretty dark in the new episodes, between Calculon dying and the idealistic president who will save Earth getting zapped out of existence.
Futurama's been going pretty dark in the new episodes, between Calculon dying and the idealistic president who will save Earth getting zapped out of existence.
Also, RIP Calculon. Who's that singing at your wedding? It's Calculon, Calculon, Cal-cu-loooooon
Also, RIP Calculon. Who's that singing at your wedding? It's Calculon, Calculon, Cal-cu-loooooon
Thoroughly enjoyable episode, and the T-Rex in a tank bit owned.
Thoroughly enjoyable episode, and the T-Rex in a tank bit owned.
Does every new reboot HAVE to start with origin story? Spider-Man had three blockbuster films very recently, and the character's been around since the '60s. I don't mind the reboot concept since they had to change actors, but knowing that the first hour of this film is "I'm so awkward. Oh shit a spider bit me. Oh no,…