
I agree completely. These reviews are the reason I even created an account (hence the name). It's been fun to rewatch episodes along side the write-ups and comments.

I agree completely. These reviews are the reason I even created an account (hence the name). It's been fun to rewatch episodes along side the write-ups and comments.

Thank you for sharing your insights, Noel. I can't wait to hear what you have to say about Firefly and Arrested Development!

Thank you for sharing your insights, Noel. I can't wait to hear what you have to say about Firefly and Arrested Development!

I feel like I still have more questions than answers. They're teasing us with some sense of closure, but you just know there's got to be a price for all of the happy endings. The next 13 episodes should be a wild ride. I can't wait to see Miniblin 's theory play out.

I think you're onto something there.

I never read it as a sexual thing (mainly because that would be silly). I just thought they were trying to make Andrew seem like more interesting company, unlike his awkward former self.

That and the fact that they actually do tend to her needs. I've wondered about whether she ever gets to go outside.

Remember how the Earth-1 Fringe team had no Lincoln last season, but Earth-2 did? Now that ours will probably stay on the other side indefinitely, everything is, indeed, in its right place again.

That was my read on it too.

I wouldn't expect to hear The Detroit Cobras on this show either, but I think that the timing is about right. They'd gained significant exposure by 2004-2005.

As a Bones fan, I enjoyed seeing T.J. Thyne on Angel this season. He was particularly wide-eyed and gleeful in Life of the Party.

I thought so too when I first saw it, but it grew on me in hindsight. Though it's still not my favorite, I do see its value to the whole season now.

Bliss, paranoia…whatever. Depends on which drugs. Fatigue can be its own kind of drug, though, too.

I can buy into Wesley's love of Fred, so I can see how Fred could buy into it too. Maybe Fred was even attracted to Wes' badassness, sans the betrayal baggage. I'm just not convinced that she loved him back in the same way.

I loved that cafeteria scene too. I'm also loving that Astrid has been getting more screen time.

HO-LY shitsnacks! Can't wait til next week…

This might well be my new favorite episode. They do wrong so right.

"Get me more dead guys!"

The thank you at the end was for the dildo, I think. The tube rattled when he shook it. Also, ewww.