Black Sheep Boy

Fuck him. That is all.

Fuck him. That is all.

Jesus Christ that looks awful. Or hey maybe it will surprise us all and be the next Breaking Bad. But yeah no probably not. Probably just shit. Liked the movie though.

Why is every Ninja Turtle a blond guy? Who did the casting for this, Hitler? Megan Fox may have been onto something there…

That sounds awful. No, not the actual song, I'm not ever, EVER listening to that. Just the very idea of the song and everyone and everything involved sounds awful.

I seem to be watching Family Guy pretty much the same way every episode for the past 2 or 3 seasons. Sit mostly with a blank expression, not reacting in any way to the "jokes", then maybe 1-2 smiles from a clever gag or quote, and maybe, MAYBE an honest to God audible laugh ONCE in the episode. Then I catch a repeat

But NEVER to Tricia Takanawa on Family Guy… til now. So it was FRESH… But yeah not really.

Yesss finally some new stuff. Parallax and Spooky Action at a Distance did a fine job tiding me over for a while, but I'm interested to hear these guys back together at full force. Their solo stuff is great too, but I dunno, hard to top stuff like Helictopter, Never Stops, Coronado, Nothing Ever Happened, Revival, etc.

Great costume. How was that never an action figure or used in any of the cartoons? Or was it…

They really should adapt the Archie TMNT comics into a movie, or a TV show, or something. Surprisingly mature and adult themes in those comics despite being published by, ya know, ARCHIE. Still burns me that they never finished the ongoing story the comic had goin…

Awww yeaaa! One of the top 5 most consistent bands out there in the past decade-plus. Their first two albums might have had some lesser songs, but still hold up overall pretty well with some damn great songs mixed in. After that it was pretty much 3 flawless albums in a row, let's hope this makes it 4, which I'm sure

Ahhh big loss for Homeland. I also enjoyed Rubicon and Brotherhood, this guy knew how to write and his talents will be missed. R.I.P.

Wha? FX had reservations about Goggins? I didn't know that… Well, in hindsight they must feel pretty stoopid. He's one of the finest TV actors around and I'll follow him to any show he's on, which thankfully right now is a very awesome show.

Let me be the very FIRST to say that I am shocked, S-H-O-C-K-E-D SHOCKED, by this story…

That guy from Twins..? No… I don't think so…Weak link.

When are Mac and Dennis gonna start getting some movie roles?? I know Charlie is the break-out star, the fan favorite, the big, shiny, popular character, etc., but the other two are equally as talented and funny, if you ask me. In fact, I'm more of a Dennis guy myself, he makes me laugh more than any character on the

Haha good one taalibba…best character on the show and you didn't notice they…OK I'm clearly just kidding, he's definitely the least important "main" character that they simply can't write off, unlike Kinsey, since he's Don's flesh and blood. I was exaggerating with 8, but this is at LEAST the 3rd, maybe 4th, Bobby.

Is that another new actor playing Bobby…? What is that, like, 8 Bobbys (Bobbies?) now? They should really stop recasting him and just kill him off. Although then I would probably have to stop watching the show… because Bobby IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER.

They literally made EVERYONE look worse aside from of course Scarecrow, and maybe Clayface because, well, there really ain't much to change there. I really wonder if they purposely tried to make everyone look shitter just as some sort of joke, or bet they lost. I can't think of any logical explanation for such awful

Damn I didn't even remember this was a Mad Hatter episode… I thought he just appeared briefly in that Knightfall crossover episode and that was it. Huh… well I think that says about all that needs to be said about how memorable this episode was! But hey at least he got a full episode to himself in TNBA, unlike our