
David, if you didn't get the Mexican boxing trainer sketch, it was a riff on those HBO 24/7 reality shows where they shadow two boxers in the month up to their fight. Like the rest of Kroll Show's parodies, it was pitch perfect.

A comedy with no funny jokes in the trailer is a warning sign. A trailer with not one, but THREE, references to other movies, is the giant flashing warning sign.

Good troll post. I thought you were being subtle with the whole "not like Cameron Esposito" thing, but the lack of top-notch comments part blew your cover.

That's why not all of them are put on the podcast.

I wasn't like every other kid, you know, who dreams about being an astronaut, I was always more interested in what bark was made out of on a tree. Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that

I thought this was an article about Not Another Teen Movie for several paragraphs. You're lucky, Rabin! I was about to trash you so hard in these comments, bro.

Seems like you haven't listened to much CBB.

This episode felt very… off. And it wasn't because of the Dr. Pepper product placement (or not product placement?). This would've been a fun Halloween episode but the tone was just too offputting right now. I guess it's a tribute to Wayans Brothers non-scary movie Scary Movies that pop up in January.

What is with the AV Club's hatred of Workaholics? First they didn't review them until season 3, then they gave every episode a C or low B, and now this dig as if a Degrassi parody is too high-brow for someone who enjoys Workaholics.

He also produced "Combination Taco Bell Pizza Hut" for Das Racist and is on Heem's GreedHead label.

It's nothing compared to DJ Quik's version of Hava Nagilah in Keeping Up With the Weinsteins or whatever the hell that Jeremy Piven/Larry Miller bar mitzvah movie was called.

It's nothing compared to DJ Quik's version of Hava Nagilah in Keeping Up With the Weinsteins or whatever the hell that Jeremy Piven/Larry Miller bar mitzvah movie was called.

That sums it up.

That sums it up.

Ron was scared to ask her out because she had two daughters. Ron loves freedom more than anything else. You give up your freedom when you become a parent.

Ron was scared to ask her out because she had two daughters. Ron loves freedom more than anything else. You give up your freedom when you become a parent.

I looked him up last night as I was in your shoes. Some magazine wrote a story about his crazy partying ways in college and they based Van Wilder on it. And now he does stand up. And has a laugh that makes Pete Holmes' sound like Christina Hendricks moaning.

I looked him up last night as I was in your shoes. Some magazine wrote a story about his crazy partying ways in college and they based Van Wilder on it. And now he does stand up. And has a laugh that makes Pete Holmes' sound like Christina Hendricks moaning.

Season 2 felt like the writers deciding "Let's make this an ensemble show instead of a show about Nucky dealing with a wacky cast of characters." If you're going to have like 20% of the characters live outside of New Jersey, let everyone get semi-equal time. Buscemi is usually so good, but I think he's the weakest

Season 2 felt like the writers deciding "Let's make this an ensemble show instead of a show about Nucky dealing with a wacky cast of characters." If you're going to have like 20% of the characters live outside of New Jersey, let everyone get semi-equal time. Buscemi is usually so good, but I think he's the weakest