
jup. that's exactly how i feel too. so thinking i'll just walk away now and pretend this was a series finale

great list :))))

oh boy, this show kind of really sucks right now… i'm hating them shoving this 'damon is a psychopath. damon BAD' thing down my throat. is the point of this for me to feel stupid for liking damon and following his character development so far? that must be the point and f*** u TVD for that! i resent being made to feel

indeed. if anything that is absolutely a condition in which you can't be bothered to get up and go murder someone. lol

or you could you know learn more stuff?

why can't brody just live and retire? become a stay at home dad! i want that option! all of this he lives or he dies, if he lives what will his role on the show be is tiring…

the whole introduction was totes harry potterish

"if it turned out he'd been faking emotions and conning Elena sociopath-style this whole time" -that would be so stupid it would actually be amazing! lol
love it

me too, exactly that


if this somehow turns into them having to kill Pan in Jared Gilmore's body and Robbie Kay permanently taking the role of Henry I'll be delirious with happiness

it is my great wish that only critics who enjoy the show would review the show-that makes for so much better content. it is a shame indeed these reviews are going away as they are a quality read. heh…

guys. i've decided i love this show. i find it immensely fun and watching it just makes me happy. what ever rhys meyers is doing is brilliant, plus this dracula is very likable. all the characters are smart. the show is kind of weird and 'smart' too with tackling energy sustainability and oil industry issues… but it

agreed. pally is magic

this ep was really sweet. i feel this little show has come together well lately too. too bad for the hiatus

@lifeless thank you for writing this!! wonderfully written and so insightful. i wish i could somehow subscribe to you'r reviews of this shows (you do a much better job than sonia in my opinion)

Richard's death made me feel like Jimmy died all over again too. So sad that Richard is gone and so sad that all Darmondy traces are gone. But also the world of this show is so horrible that I get it why both Jimmy and Richard calmly walked into death like soldiers

i used to have a huge crush on johnny lee miller as a teen. with his speech to watson at the end of this ep i was reminded of why. so electric!

matt was really only watching that video on repeat for the past two episodes! sad he didn't get a bigger story-line…
please please please re-couple stephan and katherine! i ship that so much
and damon, tsk tsk, you are slipping mate -really should have killed that evil doctor guy. hope they don't torture you for too

hmmm C+