Riddley Skywalker

shoot, I guess I'll have to find something else to irrationally angry about

Maybe i don't 'member right but isn't that image and what is being discussed actually "tecmo bowl" not "super tecmo bowl"? There is a difference.

"He (Damon) added: 'Let’s leave our walls to the movies.'”

Trump sucks
Clinton sucks

Do I use the person's sex. gender identity, or gender expression to determine "dude" or "not a dude"?

nah, no way they are that disciplined when wun wun rips a dude in half right in front of them.

more like writing, bad writing

So how is it that none of Bolton's troops broke ranks when they saw a fucking giant?

This is the same reddit that says Hodor is a horse right?


i think ghost had zero to do with it. If john had warged into ghost I think would have done more than just take a nap on the floor.

Holy shit was that family better off before our "heroes" arrived

I figured the heisenberg device was an atomic bomb. In the MitHC timeline the Germans had their own manhattan project and developed the bomb instead of the US.

Good call. I guess there was a camp in Cincinnati?

Rufus Sewell is intimidating as fuck in this. The fact that he is always so calm makes it even worse.

Start with one large tribe. At each immunity challenge, randomly draw for teams. losing team goes to tribal. Hard to make deals when you have no idea what the make up of tribal council will be.

What was up with Bobby Flay's obsession with dipping sauces?

Are you referring to "Bull Run"? Hosted by Goldberg? I loved when that one douche bag crashed his truck through a brick wall or something during one of the challenges.

Anybody else think the main character looks like he just had his wisdom teeth taken out?

So is there confirmation that the frozen Darth Maul guys definitely the Night's King? I've always though he would end up being Cold Hands because if he's not then who could possibly be cold hands unless GRRM pulls some random dude out of nowhere.