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    You son of a bitch. I had that one in my pocket for a Newt joke and you ruined it! You ruind it!

    Pawn Stars is pretty funny in it's hawking of Subways:
    "You win the five dollars Chumlee."- "Sweet, now I can buy a Subway sandwich"
    "Come on guys, let's sit down over a Subway sandwich and work this out"

    I think that's called Episcopalianism.

    Well… it would never happen in a Muslim country because nobody would be stupid enough in one of those countries to try and make any kind of fun of Allah.

    There are heards of White People Ass sweeping majestically across the Great Plains today, thanks to people like Ted Turner.

    If there's one thing I know about military police, it's that they love free thinking non conformists.

    "Every woman loved having sex with Joe Blmokvist. They particularly loved his penis. It was a large penis, and Blmokvist was very proud of how good he was with his penis. In between breaks for coffee, cigarettes and sandwiches, Joe Blomkvist pleasured many different, impossibly beautiful women with his large penis.

    I have nothing against the relationship (besides the implausibility of Sawyer not recognizing her partly military trained, very pale redheaded girlfriend when she meets the very pale redheaded Batwoman a couple hours later) I just think the sex scene was a little over done. It was handled better back in Rucka's run

    Yeah, that's what I wanted to say, but more better.

    We're talking about Detective Comics here though, not some artists personal story about dismemberment. It's supposed to be a mainstream comic.

    I'd argue that there's a difference between goriness and psychological trauma. It's like Hostel vs. The Shining. And what was at the end of that Detective Comics was out of Hostel (or Sin City).

    This show should start RuPaul and Eddie Izzard, then maybe it would have had a chance in hell at being funny.

    I can't believe I'm complaining about hot lesbian sex, but it feels like they're treating her character differently. I don't remember Batman ever getting a blowjob for a half a comic (wouldn't put it past Frank Miller though).

    The issue that I read ended with some villian keeping a guy in his basement and slowly cutting off pieces of him as torture. And we see the guy hanging from a hook, missing an eye and a couple hands/legs.

    Anyone else here a little annoyed by what  Williams is doing with Batwoman?

    I picked up a Detective Comics from a few months ago and flipped through it. Just how violent are they making these things now? I understand that the target isn't exclusivley kids or even mainly kids, but I think parents should be able to let little Johnny read a comic book without worrying the ultra violence will

    I'm going to check out some of his other books after this one, but I understand that Winter's Bone is considered his best. You can see why it was made into a movie, but I'm really curious to see how the loss of the great descriptive language and the (I presume) greater emphasis on plot changes the movie.

    If you still have any interest in the Cuban revolution (I sure as hell lost all interest in anything I wrote thesis papers on) I tentativley recommend Days of Awe by Achey Obejas. It's roughly about Cuban exiles and even if you don't like it, it's fairly short.

    Bane was a 25 year old powerlifter.

    I just finished reading Winter's Bone. A very short but good read. The writing style is very Faulknerian. Now I have to go and see the movie. Then I'll go on the ride.