Glen Tennis

I second that. The scene where he tells about how he got the bit of metal embedded in his skull was fucking awesome.

I believe we just need to harness the power of Chang. We can capture him and use him to defend the nation from turr-rists.

That Tim and Eric poster is one of the greatest images known to mankind.

Modest Mouse sold some songs to Nike a while back too. And now they have a dude from the Smiths in their band. The Flaming Lips had songs in salad dressing and computer commercials. MIA had that one song that was a hit and it was on that movie trailer…Fuck them! I only listen to bands that nobody has heard of, ever.

Dude, forsure netflix it. I saw it in theaters with my friends at like…late at night, i can't remember…but we all ran out of the fucking theater screaming and jumping on shit and laughing our asses off and it prompted me to buy the soundtrack which is just as awesome. That shit will change your life.

Cumbersome is one of those words that exemplifies its own meaning…much like awkward. A very awkward word to spell.

No but seriously..nobody? Maria Bamford's stand-up? Come onnnn.


Ya know, Mel ain't half-bad when she appears on the Daily Show. You know, when she's wearing something other than those weird grandma-shirts.

The other day…
The other day my cat got outside and about halfway down the driveway he stops and looks back at me like "What?" and I'm all "You know…"

Re: The thing that Jemaine set on his pillow
I think it was a sandwich…

…death by Screaming Seagull?

On a sort of unrelated subject…
I saw a preview for a movie that AT FIRST looked terrible and I thought Paul Rudd was just doing another shitty romantic comedy. Then, out of nowhere, Jason Segel! And the movie looked…alright-ish! Something about..how he's gotta find a best man for his wedding or something…like Made of

That Papa John's song is the best.

Ohhh damn. There's a new MF Doom album forsure in '09, but I don't know if it's his Ghostface collaboration. Which is unfortunate. But you can hear a new track on his myspace, it's pretty solid.

Ohhh, barfly. I thought you said barfly, like the adjective (bar-flee).

…and I will be waiting patiently for your take on it.

I reallllly wanna see that new movie with Patton Oswalt.

Also..I believe it's week two of "Stuff We Missed" at the ol' AV Club.

Sort of like those ones with the "gourmet-style pasta" from Pizza Hut?