Nick Slaughter

Indeed it is, but I knew it as "Sweating Bullets", a staple of CBS' "Crime Time After Prime Time". However, the entire nation of Serbia remembers that show quite well, it was like their "Baywatch" and gave them a hero during the student protests of the 90s.

Jesus would totally put 10% of his Capital Gains income towards the local church. The new cafeteria and indoor basketball court won't pay for themselves.

Didn't he lead the charge against Joss Whedon for his sexist storyline for Black Widow? What a neckbeard white knight.

because it was written by my dad, after he yelled at me for leaving all my Nintendo Tapes out on the floor.

and the second-tier GOP debates!

Smithers, have Marco Rubio killed.

I think it's the dissonance between their cartoony designs and realistic surfaces/hair/lighting that makes 'em creepy.

I mostly liked it, but Ziggy felt like way too much of a fuckup at times that it got frustrating to watch.

Um, The Wire had lots of "boring" scenes and by design. I think people are just more favorable to The Wire because it's been around a while and is pretty much a cultural institution, so they won't admit to being bored or not fully paying attention to some parts.

Yes, this reminded me of The Wire season 2. Which I feel like a lot of the harsher critics of the season would have been bitching about non-stop if they were watching it cold and live, and not after having been told that it's good before they watched it.

Why have hamburger when you can have steak?

True, but it's not as if i go on comment boards seeking out people to shit on. This just came up while i was surfing around articles and just had to make a comment. Sorry, but speedruninng sucks, "retro" video games suck, 8-bit pixel art inspired graphics suckā€¦ can't help how i feel.

it won't help you with anything else in life except that specific game. at least playing a variety of video games can help stimulate problem solving skills.

Does your carriage open like this? Or like this? (swings arms to side and up)

"Hello Olly. Welcome back to the land of the living!"

cause speedrunning truly is an irredeemable waste of time? whereas general gaming and imbibing in pop culture isn't, as they have some merits you can take away from them.

God created G.I. Joe, not G.I. Homo!

He was a Real Marine, how much freedom have YOU fought for? Alright then.

Well, I was supportive of the ruling until I read his completely reasonable tweets.

The key word being "playing", not "memorizing the beats in a 24-year-old game to the point where you can play blindfolded"