Nick Slaughter

Hmm, if you were truly a nerd, you would know Jedi knights are celibate.

Or just make one of my stalwart bachelor recipes: Mac & Cheese & Cookie Monster Birthday Cake.

Archie's the bitch and Jughead's the butch, that's why he wears that crown. Cause he's the queen of the bedroom!

Save the accolades for the guy who put the giant glow-in-the-dark condom on Lady Liberty.

It's just tiring how everyone on the internet seems to automatically suck his and Bill Murray's dicks. C'mon people, the novelty's run dry.

It'd be more sadistic to get someone to do Matlock to the True Detective theme.

or should you say *hang glides away triumphantly after affixing Groucho glasses on Statue of Liberty"?

Last week's Community reminded me of the episode with the Andrew Dice Clay proxy, but I did not realize that was The Chik! Man I want to watch that episode again. IIRC, the moral of the episode was that "censorship is okay if you don't like what you're hearing, also violence against the person saying what you don't

Don't forget Marsha Warfield's successful early 90s stint as a daytime talk show host, which is referenced in the film "Suburban Commando".

Ya know, we used to have to stay up till 10pm to catch Night Court because it was so racy for a sitcom, it wasn't allowed to air before that. You damn kids don't know how good you have it!

Harry Anderson had a decent follow-up playing Dave Barry in a few seasons of "Dave's World", and most recently starred in a straight-to-church-DVD-player movie about a biology professor at a librul University that is simply vexed as to why students don't want to hear other totally sound scientific theories about

I mean, if someone says "take care of the car", I naturally assume they mean to torch it.

His science is too tight!

Maybe Rand Paul can do it and also call it "Galt's Gulch". And then everyone will elect Gary Johnson as their president.

Are you implying Billy somehow rebuilt the island of Lesbos in all its former glory?

I'm annoyed at how smug they are because they think they're special because they're in the "inside" of something. The way one would be annoyed at ASOIAF book readers who post winking references to future spoilers in Game of Thrones forums, as if they were somehow more special because they read the books. The annoyance

Real Replicant and a Real Hero

Real Replicant, and a real hero, hero, hero…

I loved the 2-3 episodes I was able to catch whenever I was lucky to be near HBO. After college, I found someone selling all the episodes on VHS on eBay and bought the shit out of them (and watched them too). You kids don't know how good you have it.

This was before President Clinton made Americans throw girl babies into the ocean to slow down population growth.