
For me, it's the last shot of her in the movie, once she's gotten high again. Even after that, she's just so…pleased with herself.

Having worked in politics, I dispute the idea that a more subtle version of Ben's ass-kissing would have been more realistic. It probably would have been less funny, though (and certainly much, MUCH harder to convey in 22 minutes).

Having worked in politics, I dispute the idea that a more subtle version of Ben's ass-kissing would have been more realistic. It probably would have been less funny, though (and certainly much, MUCH harder to convey in 22 minutes).

I just don't get this- based off of one episode, you're going to extrapolate the plotlines for the entire season? It's just silly, if only because the producers have already said they plan to expand Councilman Houser's role and introduce a new councilman to torment Leslie.

I just don't get this- based off of one episode, you're going to extrapolate the plotlines for the entire season? It's just silly, if only because the producers have already said they plan to expand Councilman Houser's role and introduce a new councilman to torment Leslie.

Which is the other side of this coin: Ron is pretty much the best advocate libertarians have had on TV in decades.

Which is the other side of this coin: Ron is pretty much the best advocate libertarians have had on TV in decades.

You must have been thinking of something else, right? Because your paraphrase reflects what was said in that SNL sketch in no way (even if we grant the dubious proposition that something said in an SNL sketch should be considered someone's actual political views). Anyway, aren't Schur and Daniels more of the

You must have been thinking of something else, right? Because your paraphrase reflects what was said in that SNL sketch in no way (even if we grant the dubious proposition that something said in an SNL sketch should be considered someone's actual political views). Anyway, aren't Schur and Daniels more of the

That's something that sure wasn't said!

That's something that sure wasn't said!

I don't remember Poehler saying anything like that, and it sounds like a rough paraphrase, but I do agree that the show has a progressive world view, at least in the broadest sense of progressive politics, that government can be a force for good.

I don't remember Poehler saying anything like that, and it sounds like a rough paraphrase, but I do agree that the show has a progressive world view, at least in the broadest sense of progressive politics, that government can be a force for good.

Okay, fine; I really enjoyed Season 4, especially the last six episodes or so, and I found this ep really compelling, if not entirely hilarious.

Okay, fine; I really enjoyed Season 4, especially the last six episodes or so, and I found this ep really compelling, if not entirely hilarious.

Well, it was both, and that's fine; real people's* feelings can't be broken down with clean lines of delineation, either.

Well, it was both, and that's fine; real people's* feelings can't be broken down with clean lines of delineation, either.

Oh, I like that comparison. I do think P&R is better about it, but it's a matter of degrees. Ron gets a good few moments of playing the fool- claiming the income tax is illegal, burying gold in his backyard, etc. And in episodes like Sweetums or the Pawnee Rangers one, where his ideology is in direct conflict with

Oh, I like that comparison. I do think P&R is better about it, but it's a matter of degrees. Ron gets a good few moments of playing the fool- claiming the income tax is illegal, burying gold in his backyard, etc. And in episodes like Sweetums or the Pawnee Rangers one, where his ideology is in direct conflict with

Nah, that's actually the worst part. The prose is awkward, the dialogue is stilted, the characters are all unrealistic. The pacing is all fucked to hell (hence all the bitching about the 70 page speech), and, at the end of the day, you can't really put the politics aside. It's about politics. Certainly not at a Dems