Chopin Broccoli

I loved the Betrayal, but more for the innovative plot design than the jokes…..I thought the Merv Griffin Show was the funniest episode of season 9…."no you idiot….Hawks eat Squirrels!"

like that ultra-realistic scene in season 5 where Kramer hit a golf ball into a whale's blowhole?  I'm more than happy to see magic robots in a sitcom…providing of course they're funny

if Seinfeld and Simpsons references were currency the AV club would be richer than Burns and signing our giant cheques with astronaut pens……sigh

Bronson is so manly that upper-class MILFs will risk rape and murder just to cook him a nice chicken dinner

you know…….now that you put it that way, seems like a bit of a dick move….but still……BRONSON!

now I'm going to Emmet's fix-it shop to fix Emmett……(whistles)

furthermore, if performing is too hard for the poor girl then maybe she should get a little bit more experience before doing it on national television

Worf added a much needed dose of kick-ass to the show plus we got some great insight into Klingon cultural stuff…I remember an episode where he was in some kind of a hot cave and fighting stuff with Klingon swords?….memory is a bit hazy

you should also check out "Return of the Jedi" when you get around to it


Am I alone in liking the no-David seasons (8 and 9) best….they seem a little wackier and fun to me and when I think back to my favourite one-off moments, I'm surprised how many are from those final seasons (including of course….it's a Festivus miracle!)

Sounds like Jean-Luc Lemur, Jean-Luc Lemur's mother, Funzo, Mrs. Funzo and myself should enjoy a lovely sack lunch together…….

did he ever do a Seinfeld? I can't place him but I bet he auditioned….way too many amusing assholes on that show

nice job JERK! just kidding…. I also long for more Breaking Bad

It's had its fair share of visitors

the worst part was when she asked me to invest in her candle company

"the one that looks like a shaved gorilla"

agreed…….though the concept of a grunge "super-group" really doesn't do anything to support the thesis of this article

they weren't great but I sure prefer watered down grunge to the Black Eyed Peas or dubstep

Kurt Cobain did it better anyways