Chopin Broccoli

well, we can't all go to Gudger College

and now, on behalf of the meat council, enjoy this tripe!

the sugar plot is so good, I routinely forget what episode it's attached to…although some great episodes don't really need b stories, the Beer Baron episode for one

can a geek not be obsessed with many things, either simultaneously or in waves…. a polygeek if you will? I consider myself one


straight from the horses mouth…..although he does have some potential smarts….remember when the school went on strike and he had a fancy tutor?

MarkoP you get extra points for using  Simpsons characters as examples…….

on the commentary they discuss how the fan contest was a failure (you guessed who killed Burns and the prize was you got animated in an episode) ….they could only pick 1000 entries at random and none of them got the answer right so some old lady won (she picked Smithers) she never got animated, instead they paid her

in Canada, out is pronounced "oot" according to American comedy writers….hence "they never let me out" sounds like "let me oot"….also….n'est pas les boys

And in his house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics

I remember when adding 2000 to something made it sound futuristic, now it's just lame

I'm enjoying the punnery so much, I think I ruptured a lower disq

What about Tiny, the world's smallest Ogre?… he's merely a medium with a paltry strength of 15

I think they should stick to Greco-Roman games……

The real question here…which AV club writer / closet sneeze fetishist "accidentally" stumbled on that website?

did he sell you any miniature furniture?

OK Krusty, we're rolling………Krusty?

I loved this band………in 1991!

hand me a schtickel of flouride……..

If Lucas can CGI-replace the stabby guy with Tony Shalhoub, I'd forgive him for Jar Jar