I wanna hookywooky with Lou.
I wanna hookywooky with Lou.
Why are you so tarded?
That was a truly wonderful moment.
Yeah, you don't really understand how finance or music licensing or songwriting or CD sales or Beatlemania works.
…Slow, am I?!
We get it. Season 4 was hilarious and brilliant, and you didn't care for it because it didn't have enough explosions and giant robots.
I have no idea why "Let's all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes" isn't a beloved catchphrase.
Damn, you may be right.
Apparently! That'll teach me to read. And care.
I care too. Where are all these idiots coming from?
Is it just me, or has there been a large influx of commenters who don't actually understand how to read or argue coming to the AV Club ever since the comment section changed?
Genuinely brilliant.
Same here.
Agreed. No, wait — double-agreed. I agree more than you even mean what you're saying.
It's sad that you are unable to experience joy.
There's nothing sadder than reading comments by smug "punk" experts saying what is and isn't punk. So very un-punk.
Fun! Don't forget to rub Cheetos into your neck fuzz.
Fun! Don't forget to rub Cheetos into your neck fuzz.
Ha ha! It's funny because of how perfectly you evoke the tired, sad, old contrarian fat slob living in his mother's basement, resenting the world, which he encounters solely through the Internet!
It's utterly hilarious. Brilliant writing, charming acting, wonderfully surreal, and light-hearted most of all (it's not angry or insulting comedy).