
You haven't seen New York Minute or From Justin to Kelly? WTF, Glaz, WTF?

He's great, but he's no Alison (though Felix+Alison is can't miss combo).

What I always wonder watching this episode is how much of the scenes are Andy and Viva and how much of it is body doubles. I am almost certain Viva Bianca used a body double since the sex scenes have significantly curlier hair than she does.

What's interesting to me is that Lucretia engineers everything that happens in this episode. Most overtly because she's pissed off that Illythia is forcing her to arrange an encounter with Crixus. But it isn't just a giant fuck you to Illythia that she arranges. Instead she concocts a rather brilliant plan that would

I too am about to leave for work, but I want to point out that "Whore" in the episode's title refers to Crixus and Spartacus, not Mira. A distinctly Spartacus version of gender reversal.

Joyful Noise is a fucking atrocious movie.

I gave 5 stars to both "The Room" and "A Talking Cat!?!" I will argue to the death that they are both deserved.

Of course Derek is probably the least heterosexual character on the show, including Danny and Ethan. Or did you miss two seasons of incredibly fucked up shit with Jackson?

Frell, I love Zach Stone's Gonna Be Famous. Obviously I would, considering The Comeback is one of my favorite TV shows ever. But damn, I love this show.

WTF? Derek had heterosexual sex? Derek, of all characters?

Yeah, I thought that. The only other option really is that Regina got really wasted and crashed her car.

I find it impossible to believe that Regina would cross the line, somehow. It seems obvious it is a Kennish over-reaction. one we've seen I don't know how many times since this series premiered.

Her real age was glaringly apparent this episode. Whatever was going on with her hair at that party really aged her up.

Bay's wig really was distractingly bad.

You should get a twitter account so you won't be consistently jealous of me.

It's a vicious circle, isn't it?

What's the deal with attractive people on twitter/instagram thinking you are looking at their pictures/following them for exercise or nutrition advice?

Gwen Stacy, the character, was basically Peter Parker's mentally unhinged stalker. Her death was the best thing that ever happened to her, but that death resulted in decades of crappy Spider-Man comics. Spider-Man should never, ever, under any circumstances be allowed to revisit that fucking bridge.


What's your opinion on how the transgendered character/s is handled?