Random Exposition

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Here you go.

I just have photos of myself and some friends pretending to fight with non-representational sculptures in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, as if we were Power Rangers. It was 1995, and we were young and silly. Perhaps when I get home I'll post them.

Oh, outlaw country….like:

As weeks went by it showed that things were not fine…
And she broke down
And I broke down
'Cause I was tired of lies

Hey! Joey Jo-Jo!

I saw Escape Club when they opened for Mike & The Mechanics at the Orpheum in Minneapolis, in 1989. The audience was full of 40ish people in Peter Gabriel T-shirts, who stayed sitting down, especially when the lead singer of Escape Club announced that they didn't like playing for "people who sit on their butts." Oh,

World Street Kitchen crispy tofu Bangkok burrito. Mmmmmm.

Hotel California improves immensely if you're 23, up late with your best friend/roommate/sister in goofiness, and decide to mime all the actions/images/concepts of the lyrics in real time. We were 't even drunk.

I heard my fibula snap when I massively dislocated and broke my ankle falling off some really idiotic platform stilettos. I was therefore able to yell "Call 911!" before I even hit the ground. Granted, it's much easier to snap the fibula than the femur, or even the tibia, but yeah. Heels aren't worth it.

Expo Woman, actually. But as I did not in fact know about Portland's Exposition, due to Midwestern myopia, thanks for the new thing to research!

I have all my limbs and haven't murdered anyone, so no, not quite yet.

Nope - Exposition all the way. For a very short period of time, I truly, truly, truly intended to switch my avatar between different images from various World's Fairs, to fully inhabit both senses of Random Exposition, but then I was too lazy to do that, and was too pleased with my little self-portrait.

There probably won't be enough detail in this for me on the natural history specimen and model collection which was bought by the Fair and was then used to start the Field Museum, and most of which is still on display today, including the paper-mâché giant squid and Giant Pacific Octopus models. Because there

He maybe did what?

Per the Jem Yahoo newsgroup - which has been covering the movie in detail for so very, very, VERY long - the songs are from the original cartoon, but with different tempi and song structures, and with extra lyrics by some of the artists to lengthen them (as they were all roughly 90 seconds in the cartoon.) One of the

I loved how, in the frisbee/roomba episode, the fireman just wanted to save someone, and was happy to accept the mouse as a savee.

Congratulations! I wish you success in sleeping at some point!

Brutus Buckeye…there's just something kind of off about him. I sort of like the vintage photos of when he was apparently just a giant papier-mâché head with legs.

There's a McDonald's in Uptown Minneapolis that had a life-size Mac Tonight mannequin, sitting at a player baby grand. It seems like that thing was still there in, like, 2003. Shudder.