
what's the joke?

what's the joke?

liked for getting that ridiculous middle-easternish song in my head but didn't that episode air like 20 or almost 20 yrs ago? not defending it just wondering when old ass 'late period simpsons' becomes something else.

'you had your chance! mulglayvin!

'you had your chance! mulglayvin!

Thx for introducing me to Jeannie, this shit is funny.

Thx for introducing me to Jeannie, this shit is funny.

no Great Lakes Avengers? Squirrel Girl and Flat Man and the… uh rest of the gang? i thought they'd totally be ironically included, maybe i missed them.

no Great Lakes Avengers? Squirrel Girl and Flat Man and the… uh rest of the gang? i thought they'd totally be ironically included, maybe i missed them.

not sure if you're kidding or not, but it does sound kinda like them huh? thought it was greenwood again tho..

not sure if you're kidding or not, but it does sound kinda like them huh? thought it was greenwood again tho..

I'm not sure why I can't reply to "Non-Giving-Up School Guy" below you (and even more confused that his comment has 7 likes), but NGUSG: the period at the end of your sentence is outside of your quotation marks, making you look like a complete idiot, as all minor grammatical errors do.

I've never liked when people lamented that they could give but a single like, BUT… that post deserves a lot more likes than one for the laughs it gave me.

I think someone who posts on gawker stole your username.

I respect this show a lot but only watch it intermittently, thought this ep was great but I'm curious which "ep last year that was the darkest decision made" you are referring to. Did this episode make reference to or involve events from a prior?

Dude I don't know if you get off by acting so stupid that a bunch of strangers hate you (ie trolling) or you are really this profoundly immature and small-minded, but either way it's pretty pathetic and sad to watch.

Really? I absolutely love this band (and yeah, Gash is their best song I'd say) but haven't spent much time with their second cd, I'll have to re-evaluate.

Longtime reader, first time commenter. Wanted to say this seems like a coo feature. I've never much come to this site for music, but you guys turned me onto Cloud Nothings, who rule, and APTBS have been one of my go-to-bands for awhile now.