
Yeah, and in the scenes where she pretended to be Elena then reveals herself to be Katherine she does that shift so well. It's just like this instant adjustment in posture and facial expression - she goes from dour to bad-ass in the blink of an eye. I am intrigued by how she will handle the transformation as well. She

You know you watch too much too many cw shows when you begin thinking that Stefan and bonnie are ugly

You know you watch too much too many cw shows when you begin thinking that Stefan and bonnie are ugly

Just marathon that shit - seriously you don't know the fun of just watching the whole show over a few days. Not all shows are marathon friendly but tvd is just the show to do it with. If you do decide to just jump in then yeah, your going to be really lost. The show moves like a freight train and if you have not

Just marathon that shit - seriously you don't know the fun of just watching the whole show over a few days. Not all shows are marathon friendly but tvd is just the show to do it with. If you do decide to just jump in then yeah, your going to be really lost. The show moves like a freight train and if you have not

I agree though i have to say that i think Elena has more meat too her and is a more entertaining character than the normal "good girl" centre of the love triangle type. She does seem to have more fun playing the scene chewing, melodramatic and just plain awesome Katherine though. And who can blame her?

I agree though i have to say that i think Elena has more meat too her and is a more entertaining character than the normal "good girl" centre of the love triangle type. She does seem to have more fun playing the scene chewing, melodramatic and just plain awesome Katherine though. And who can blame her?

I responded in the wrong place lol. Ahh well I am sure you will find it

I responded in the wrong place lol. Ahh well I am sure you will find it

@Afghamistam Ok, I'll bite.

@Afghamistam Ok, I'll bite.

@Afghamistam (oh god damn it really? how in the seven hells do you get the profile link thing?) You don't seem to understand what implying is, out and out stating something is not an implication. You were implying something but it was not that. I do, however, apologise I only linked that because I think it is the only

@Afghamistam (oh god damn it really? how in the seven hells do you get the profile link thing?) You don't seem to understand what implying is, out and out stating something is not an implication. You were implying something but it was not that. I do, however, apologise I only linked that because I think it is the only

@Fixda Fernback 0_o that was dumb… FIXED! And "internet grudges" not grudge just pointing out the obvious.

@Fixda Fernback 0_o that was dumb… FIXED! And "internet grudges" not grudge just pointing out the obvious.

America in a nut shell.

America in a nut shell.

You're an idiot but sadly i can't come to Afghamistam's defence. If my past experience with him in the comments section of CW press tour article shows anything it is that he is indeed a developmentally challenged 8 year old possessing a level of idiocy on par with yours.

You're an idiot but sadly i can't come to Afghamistam's defence. If my past experience with him in the comments section of CW press tour article shows anything it is that he is indeed a developmentally challenged 8 year old possessing a level of idiocy on par with yours.

Flawless logic…