*sigh* reading these reviews every week just serves to remind me what a train wreck this show has become. Next week is a slight upswing if i remember correctly - though that's not saying much. After that though… Well i feel a D or two coming on.
*sigh* reading these reviews every week just serves to remind me what a train wreck this show has become. Next week is a slight upswing if i remember correctly - though that's not saying much. After that though… Well i feel a D or two coming on.
I bailed on this about three episodes into the first season but about a month ago i was craving some campy supernatural fun to fill the void left by tvd and got my hands on the whole season. I kinda enjoyed it - not emmy materiel (though in a world where modern family dominates the emmys who knows) but enjoyable for…
I bailed on this about three episodes into the first season but about a month ago i was craving some campy supernatural fun to fill the void left by tvd and got my hands on the whole season. I kinda enjoyed it - not emmy materiel (though in a world where modern family dominates the emmys who knows) but enjoyable for…
Was i high the whole time i watched season 1? because i swear to god there has been a sharp decline in quality this season, something which everyone else seems to deny. Everyone i talks to insists it is the same as ever. So tell me was season 1 really this bad? Now bear in mind i have seen the entirity of season 2,…
Heresy! get the pitchforks…
Oh god! i had almost forgot about that; i don't know whether to cringe or laugh
i'm getting withdrawal symptoms already…
Great ep and i loved the Cas/Meg dynamic, i am now officially shipping them. Oh and these reviews are still poorly written by the way.
If she smiled once in the whole season it would be 99% more than regular Bonnie
Right? i mean just how ridiculous is this concept of a crystal skull. I mean anything would be better than that. Also how in hell are those little crystal pebbles supposed to fit together to make a skull?
Yeah i'm betting that they draw that story line out for the first half of next season and then have her bring klaus back for some yet unknown reason for the mid-season finale. I like the idea of dark Bonnie; she has taken so much crap throughout the series i don't think it would take much to push her over the edge.…
I feel your pain. And could they not get that shirt off just once while he was on the show? Curse you Julie Plec!
I'm gonna miss klaus but i am happy for the shakeup. Was i the only one suprised to find out that vampires have heartbeats. And something not mentioned in this review was the whole bonnie/dark magic scene. When she killed Jeremy and had all that stuff creeping up her body was it not just a little dark how she was…
I agree with the comments for the most part; this review is pretty terrible. But I agree with your overall sentiment, this show really is a shadow of what it once was. I keep hoping it will reach the dizzying heights of greatness it was once at but it does not seem like it will happen.