Cheap Vorlon Knockoff

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus Yeah. If the Son'a were capable of making the White, what's stopping the Dominion from doing so? It's not as if synthesizing some synthetic chemical would take enormous resources compared to building thousands of starships and whatever the fuck else they were building,

"I think he likes science fiction as a setting, but he's more interested in the character-based drama within that setting."

Yes, if Moore's work on BSG has shown us anything, it's that he isn't particularly interested in science fiction. As in, taking some adjustment to our current world, and extrapolating the consequences. He starts with the consequences he wants and then works backwards to invent rationalizations.

I'd pay good money (not really) to see the A.V. Club do Voyager reviews. Mainly for the opportunity to bash on it each week, and to see who can summon up the most entertaining snark.

But really, if you've got holo emitters in the corridors of a ship or on a planetary surface, projecting a complete humanoid soldier is completely wasteful and unnecessary. Just have the emitters project cutting or bludgeoning or piercing surfaces to kill whatever you want killed.

@avclub-945ba977c27d196cdeaf6cbe4ff682f4:disqus And of course the Moriarity hologram was created accidentally! And the Enterprise computer was able to support him just fine without any prior preparation.

Yeah, it gets mentioned at some point (don't remember exactly where) that the Son'a from Insurrection (*shudder*) were producing White for the Dominion.

The A.V. Club
…which makes for some pretty good meeting scenes as well.

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus Yes, because that's exactly what I said. Keep fucking that strawman.

I've asked this elsewhere in these comments, but could someone tell me what's supposed to be so good about Hyperion (the first one specifically). I read it several years ago and didn't find it all that memorable.

Can someone explain to me why Hyperion is supposed to be so good? I read the first one several years ago and didn't find it that memorable. In fact I can barely remember the plot details right now.

I feel there's a steroid joke to be made here…

Can't wait to see Sylvester Stallone compete.

Would certainly be more entertaining than the olympics.

Well, I suppose what I'm mostly pleased with is that it's the first Dr Who casting decision in a while not designed specifically to facilitate teenage crushes.

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus Yes, I know who Idris Elba is.

This is easily one of the best line deliveries in the whole of the Simpsons. Groening just seems to not get it sometimes.

Yes, but where Anton Chigurh was a Cat 5 hurricane, Todd is more like a mild summer breeze.

So what makes a movie character a "black character"? Because the whole way you're phrased that sounds a bit odd.

I'm just happy that for the first time in a while we're getting a Doctor who's older than 30. (Yes I know Doctors 9 and 10 were older than 30, but whatever, you know what I mean).