Crindy Bluth

I want to know about this too. That red bag Britta was carrying was Troy's so hopefully she isn't moving in.

I want to know about this too. That red bag Britta was carrying was Troy's so hopefully she isn't moving in.

I love cross quoting AD and Community. Jeff's goth magic (ILLUSION MICHAEL) act reminded me of Gob last night.
But where did the lighter fluid come from?

I love cross quoting AD and Community. Jeff's goth magic (ILLUSION MICHAEL) act reminded me of Gob last night.
But where did the lighter fluid come from?

I was somewhat bitchy to some BBT fans during the tv.com polls that Community ended up sweeping. I don't care enough about BBT to hate on the show itself, but some people were just asking for it. I don't step up to being a bitch, I reluctantly accept when it's thrust upon me.

I was somewhat bitchy to some BBT fans during the tv.com polls that Community ended up sweeping. I don't care enough about BBT to hate on the show itself, but some people were just asking for it. I don't step up to being a bitch, I reluctantly accept when it's thrust upon me.

exactly, bill fucking murray as william winger. someone should start calling murray's answering machine

exactly, bill fucking murray as william winger. someone should start calling murray's answering machine