Matt Borgard

Ha, that's some subtle Arrested Development-level shit.

I'm pretty sure one of Adaline's names was Charlaine, as in Charlaine Harris.

"The picture of Michael that comes up on George-Michael’s phone when he calls is of Michael’s most “betrayed face."

AV Club reviewed Hemlock Grove. They gave it a solid F. (Mr. F!)

My favorite scene in the entire series. Michael and Packer are obviously great, but even Jim's delivery of, "Wow. That is really hard." makes me crack up.

"Yes, Stephan Jenkins probably is misogynistic. We probably don’t need to defend Stephan Jenkins. But is he a boorish oaf? Yeah, probably"

Yep, this is why they advise newspaper editors not to put yes/no questions in a headline. All too easy to a reader to say "No" and move on past.

No way. Oberyn vs. The Mountain is episode 9 of Season 4. My favorite moment from the books, hands down.

Give me the whip! That's all I need. …and this idol. And this fedora. But that's all I need!

Mostly because I've only watched the new season once (not even all the way!) There are some quotable lines in the new one, though. "You've probably never even been on a plane, you piece of shit," is certainly going to be used quite a bit.

I think this article is mostly tongue-in-cheek, a reference to the previous story that "omg, Netflix's stock dropped because some critics found the new season only average!"

This Funke is all anybody's ever talking about. So sick and tired of hearing about how brilliant that Funke is.

"if you believe anyone would really think someone would call themselves an anus tart"

Herbert Love was fucking amazing, are you kidding? Like Carl Weathers level amazing. Argyle and Rebel were pretty great, too.

Yeah, but a 'B' is hardly a failing grade.

Because without cell phones, Home Alone's internal logic is airtight.

Yes, twenty-somethings whining and pitying themselves just never happens.

I tell you what you do, you buy yourself a tape recorder. I think you're going to be surprised by some of your phrasing.

The Invention of Lying is definitely pro-atheist, but I didn't necessarily think it was condescendingly so — certainly not as condescending as his Twitter feed. With one in ten movies celebrating the concept of faith, I don't see why a movie or TV show celebrating atheism in the abstract would be so offensive.

It should, because that's not what's going on. It's a nursing home (aka old folks' home) that Derek lives at (though I thought I heard he just worked there — I haven't seen it yet).