Matt Borgard

This is pretty much how I imagine Bradley Cooper acts in real life.

At Blimpie's, that's called 'The Standard'

Seems like a coincidence, though if this were Arrested Development, we'd be hailing it as comedic brilliance (and I say that as the biggest AD fan around).

What sort of video quality are you looking for for a 5-year-old's dance recital that you will literally never watch a second time?

What sort of video quality are you looking for for a 5-year-old's dance recital that you will literally never watch a second time?


Nope, definitely not them. They're much older than the tour group.

I think every actor ever has been in something with the muppets.

Nope, J.P., the line was definitely "… less than disease and all accidents put together!"

I know who it is.

Gob jamming out to it makes it about 250,000 times more hilarious.

Gob jamming out to it makes it about 250,000 times more hilarious.

If getting paid to watch a tv show that is sometimes stupid is your idea of a shit job, please let me know where you work so I can submit a resume.

If getting paid to watch a tv show that is sometimes stupid is your idea of a shit job, please let me know where you work so I can submit a resume.

Sorry, that scene gets an A+ simply for "redvining."

Sorry, that scene gets an A+ simply for "redvining."

I prefer "the spouse" to the "Mrs. Username" shit that people usually pull.

I prefer "the spouse" to the "Mrs. Username" shit that people usually pull.

Let me counter the tidal wave of disagreement to say that I'm with you. I like Charlie, both her acting, and her character, and I agree with you that she hasn't really been utilized well by the writers (her hallucination was just her dad saying nothing to her). I'm hoping by the end of the season, she'll do something

Let me counter the tidal wave of disagreement to say that I'm with you. I like Charlie, both her acting, and her character, and I agree with you that she hasn't really been utilized well by the writers (her hallucination was just her dad saying nothing to her). I'm hoping by the end of the season, she'll do something