Daffy Dick

Carlin was always really good although in his later years he got a little heavy handed. But he never did anything as screwed up as "Father Of The Bride". Ya know, I'm so old I remember Carlin when he had short greasy hair and wore a tux. Otherwise he pretty much the same as when he was a long haired hippy.

Oh, Thank You.

Uh . . . Some guy posted something about a macadamia nut farm? Does Barr own a nut farm? I'm not sure what's going on.

Because I'm fucking with you.

Who's got a nut farm?

I guess you think the Costanzas are the ideal American Family.

They're incapable of comprehending the rules and laws of decent society so, yeah, that's kind of sociopathic.

He was recently elected to Office and was trying to be like a Kennedy.

Maybe he can still be funny but, when you consider he was The Funniest Guy In The World for quite a long time, he sucks.

Uh . . . Oh! Yeah. Okay.

Yeah, Roseanne Barr - Ha Ha, Whatta Maroon! Her Stand Up Act and her Sit Com were both tremendous successes. That's two more successes than Hillary Clinton ever had. Actually Clinton is kinda like Tom Arnold . . .

Huh? Oh! Oh . . . yeah.

I have no doubt that it sucked. He's turned out ti be an ass.

Yeah, everybody assumes she's tall. Sonny must have been an elf.

The Black Keys are hack Rock Band that someone out there seems to like but Pat Carney is just a dick.

He is very very funny in "Southland Tales". That finger twiddling thing he does when he gets nervous in hilarious.

He was fantastic as a Wrestler with Acting aspirations. But now he's an Actor who's too old to go back to Wrestling.

Hey, is it just me, but Bad Company is good but Free is crap? Let's talk about it!

Because your brain is functioning properly.

This is a job for Anderson Cooper!