
I give the penis an A+

I'm a bit late to the party (BB and Dexter, yester) but this has to be one of the best episodes of the season, no? I laughed, I cried etc. etc.

Big john FTW.

When did Dexter turn into Days of our Lives?

Shut up, Harrison.

Quinn: I know what you're doing
Dexter: Oh shit
Quinn: LOL! Never mind - I'm going to get laid. Latez!

Holy crap, I think Oliver AKA "Ryan Gosling look alike" needs his own spin-off. I'll take a moose beer too please.


Yes I think she is slowwllly growing on me. Urgh!

He'll always be the fake-mentally-disabled-prisoner-turned-psycho-bad-guy dude from Alias for me. Alias forever!

Creepy rich son is creepy and rich.

Black lady detective is ready for more responsibility? Well done, black lady detective.


Um, next season? No no, this is the last one.

Yah - creepy son was creepy.

Seriously, Big John needs to get more air time.


The fact that Jennifer Carpenter looked absolutely stunning at that point makes up for that crappy "It's Deb" voiceover.

What the heck is with this random new Masuka storyline anyway? Are they just passing them around now given its the last season?
"You get a storyline! You get a storyline!" "You get a storryyyllinnne!"

Wherever she has gone, she can stay there