
Heh, and it's mentioned just below this post. Wonderful.

This is one case where the deleted scenes are worth watching, as there's another scene where George asks Kramer to go to the Cuban embassy so George can go to Cuba. Kramer ends up having to sneak through the chimney, with a final scene of Kramer, still dressed as Santa, emerging from a chimney to a room full of

Who knew the "COMMUNITY SUCKS" chap had so much power? He may be single-handedly responsible for rendering Harmon miserable enough to create such great TV.

The obvious solution is to like all shows equally.

Mixology is my favorite Community episode just because of how depressing and realistic it is, all while still having the same charm and comedy I've come to expect from the series.

I would love to see more articles on plain bad shows. There's already tons of great commentary on why great shows work, but I'd love to see more analysis on just why bad shows are bad.

Pedantic Porn, ladies and gentlemen.

The show could get half the ratings it gets right now and still do well enough by NBC standards to get renewed.

But when Jerry's looking for a place in Tuscany to spite the Maestro, he uses a cousin or some other relation of Poppy's.

Looks like a D+ from here.

When I heard Steve Carell was leaving…
I was hoping like hell that somehow, in some ridiculous way, Creed would become manager.

At least in the earliest seasons, there were penalties for speeding while driving. A big fat 30 minute penalty would probably discourage recklessness.

It's been seven seasons without Rob on TAR. How have we kept watching this long without watching Rob lose yet another reality show?

Mel/Mike are both gay too, as is Luke. They mentioned Mel/Mike being gay in S14 once or twice, but never mentioned it this season.

Nthing Cheers, Fraiser, and Survivor: Borneo.

They're saving it for the shocking moment when they reveal that Jerry's wife is actually smoking hot.

I also had problems streaming Cheers and Twin Peaks to my Sony Blu-Ray player, though it's working on it now. Always worked for my Xbox 360, though.

Luke's always had a tendency to completely break down when things aren't going his way in a task. Hell, he almost won his season until he got stuck in the final task, and instead of thinking rationally and trying out different things, just had a temper tantrum and cried while the brother/sister team passed them and

Too fruity.

Venture Bros. redeems whatever other crap Adult Swim may air.