Ruth Ellen Brosseau

@ ArnDC thanks! i'm still learning.

not what i was thinking/pas de j'etais penser
you mean this isn't a revamp of the dog who stopped the war where we get to hear the dog's side of things?


is natalie portman in everything now? lol!

don't hate! it was for my birthday and i couldn't cancel. but vegas is the bomb!!!

ya i know, we have to get out more of the vote next time, especially the youth, they are our future.

i'm so psyched to see this!!! and it's canadian! lol!

that's sick!!!
who'd want to hurt kittens?

i liked in the company of men. but i didn't do well in geography.

aw man…
i'm still bummed this show's gunna be over. it was sooo funny!!!

ha ha ha. that's sad.
even I know who the beatles are!!!