Tity Boi


I'm a sex camel, as Ray Romano put it.

Dating is the worst.

I invented a low-cal drink, called water.

If you could cross any politic with any religion… shit. Sorry.

The theme from The Love Boat
The theme from The A-Team
The theme from The Rifleman
The theme from Batman '66
The theme from Titanic

We're binging Top Chef and on season 11.

Wait, like, we get to make a cult?

I think this is a great chance to show everyone your goods, PowerThirteen.

Jeez, would you like some scotch and a fireplace to throw the scotch into?

Other people.

I was sincerely touched by the output, and did some writing around then.

I brought my purple bullfighter out from home I did!

SERIOUSLY, it's the only way to fly: with a torta in your belly.

Hell yeah! The Bayless Extended Universe is the best Extended Universe I reckon.


Felt like an AVC day.

So the trick is putting on Purple Rain.

I'm hiding from Twitter.

I went to Rick Bayless's Topolobombo and my wife and I split seven-course meals and it was probably the best Mexican meal I'll ever have.